EcoSynagogue Environmental Audit

JTree is a project of EcoJudaism, a unique initiative which spans the whole UK Jewish community, with leadership from Trustee Rabbis from five different denominations, representing the United Synagogue, Masorti Judaism, The Movement for Reform Judaism, Liberal Judaism and the S&P Sephardi Community. EcoJudaism’s aim is to move the UK Jewish community from bal tashchit – don’t waste and don’t destroy – to tikkun olam – saving the planet for future generations. 

EcoJudaism has seven activity streams, including their online Environmental Audit for Synagogues, a holistic approach to giving communities a framework for improving their environmental knowledge, sustainability, and working towards net zero. If you are not yet a registered community with EcoJudaism, join now to set your community on track! Email for more details.


JTree and the Environmental Audit


When your community plants trees (through whatever means), please vist “Register a Tree” and these trees will be added to the total count planted by the Jewish Community. 

If you are starting a planting project and welcome other communities to get involved, contact us or email and we will share to our current planting opportunities and communications. EcoJudaism will also share to registered communities. Let your audit lead know so they can update on working with other faith and local groups on environmental actions. 

You may decide to plant trees to reduce your synagogue’s carbon footprint – these too can be registered here. If your synagogue hasn’t yet calculated its footprint, they can use 360 Carbon by Climate Stewards bespoke to synagogues in partnership with EcoJudaism.

It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it

– Pirkei Avot 2:16
